Texas and Arizona spend money on empty used shipping containers to build a wall that really prevents animal migration and not actually stopping human trafficking. Kayla and her teenage friends from around America don’t understand politics like adults do, but they do understand the difference between right and wrong.
Imagine a Wall that could provide food, housing, energy, security, jobs, education, first aid, tax revenue, etc.? Together We Are One! There are ways to end hunger and at the same time provide a way to H.E.L.P. in so many ways if "We the People" would start listening more to our children. They have amazing "Imaginations" and awesome "Idea
Imagine a Wall that could provide food, housing, energy, security, jobs, education, first aid, tax revenue, etc.? Together We Are One! There are ways to end hunger and at the same time provide a way to H.E.L.P. in so many ways if "We the People" would start listening more to our children. They have amazing "Imaginations" and awesome "Ideas" that only adults can make happen for them. Hunger Aid listens, and we move to do whatever can be done to H.E.L.P. so long as it benefits everyone through educational programs and services at the same time.
There is 1,952 miles of Texas border with Mexico. Using 40 foot Shipping containers that would require 132 for each mile. Needing a total of 257,664 just for a base layer and needing to be at least 30 feet high, there needs to be a minimum of 772,992 to complete Kayla's Wall. Let us be reminded that teenagers came up with this plan while the adults make excuses and blame each other.
Why must we build something that keeps dividing people? Why can't they build a Wall that works for the people and not against them?
-Kayla Casey
Kayla spent the last two years of her life planning something that would be useful worldwide as a way to end hunger. It will work as part of a disaster relief response project too. She used the “Id
Why must we build something that keeps dividing people? Why can't they build a Wall that works for the people and not against them?
-Kayla Casey
Kayla spent the last two years of her life planning something that would be useful worldwide as a way to end hunger. It will work as part of a disaster relief response project too. She used the “Idea” of establishing a secured animal migration path for the U.S. / Mexico border that grew into something much bigger and greater.
The main wall would be the border line itself either on state or federal land of the official borderline easement. With every borderline there is an easement of about 75+ feet on each side. That is more than enough space to place a shipping container on either state or federal land. When a teenager questions, "What is the argument about when either side can be used for the project?" It is unfortunate no one is listening!
Shipping Containers through our partners can be converted into tiny homes, first aid centers, security stations, classrooms, and most importantly, climate controlled grow houses for food that can be shipped anytime, to anywhere in the world within 72 hours. Kayla felt if there must be a Wall, make it so it will benefit all living things, not turn it into another Berlin Wall created to divide North America.
People are going to come. At this point there is nothing America can do to stop them from trying to come in. However, if we establish a way for people to use Kayla’s Wall as a safe way to enter through a well organized system, it reduces the chaos. People of different countries come in through our southern border. Instead of sticking them all in one location and creating an issue between language barriers, the border is long enough that each section could provide adequate shelter, and security for our southern border and for those seeking refuge.
Using solar panels and wind power to produce the energy needed to sustain Kayla's Wall is the perfect way to grow Natural Food that is much healthier.
Kayla's Wall would create the perfect environmental conditions for educating young children of all ages too. These locations can also be the starting point for relocating refugees to sections that fit their life style. People with Trade Skills that can be used on Kayla's Wall wherever they are needed is how we continue to build better while continuing to prove America is still a great country. It also will keep families together!
Imagine a Border Wall that generates tax revenue? This is something we all can use! To think that a teenager came up and conceived this Idea.
What 5 year old will try to derail a train? What 8 year old is thinking of blowing up an oil refinery? Industrial parks are large enough that they have more than enough adequate space that Shipping Containers can be converted into tiny homes and classrooms for small children.
Kayla designed each model for Governor Greg Abbott per his request on February 22, 2022 during an unannounced stop in Lubbock, Texas. Kayla died before Hunger Aid would learn the governor"s office would deny her work once they found out there was a bipartisan agreement between both candidates.
Educators that are coming up from those countries would be best to put with the children as they could continue the education needed for the children. This would H.E.L.P. the US government to decide who is eligible to come in.
Opening a path for animals to migrate was the ultimate goal of Kayla's.
Designed to be hidden and to look as natural as possible, Kayla's Wall would allow animals to move freely.
This part of Kayla's Wall would be in areas where there is limited human contact, but still the highest monitored area due to the opening.
Where the animal migrate, this is an ideal place for detainees that are a threat to others.
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